Vietnamese women’s breast and cervical cancer screening. 2004. (completed)
Project summary:
Breast and cervical cancer are major contributors to morbidity and mortality among Vietnamese-Canadian women. Vietnamese women are at risk due to their low participation rate in screening programs for these cancers. The studies listed below explore the participation of Vietnamese-Canadian women in screening for breast and cervical cancer; the appropriateness of current cancer-prevention services for Vietnamese women; the influence of social, cultural, political, historical, and economic factors, shaped by race, gender, and class, on the screening practices of Vietnamese-Canadian women; and how differences between Vietnamese women’s perspectives and those of health care providers influence women’s health care experiences.
Donnelly, T. T., McKellin, W., Hislop, G., & Long, B. (2009). Socioeconomic influences on Vietnamese-Canadian women's breast and cervical cancer prevention practices: A social determinant's perspective. Social Work in Public Health, 24 (5), 454-478.
Donnelly, T. T. (2008). Challenges in providing breast and cervical cancer screening services to Vietnamese Canadian women: the healthcare providers’ perspective. Nursing Inquiry, 15 (2), 158-168.
Donnelly, T. T., & McKellin, W. (2008). Vietnamese Canadian women's breast cancer and cervical cancer screening: The influence of gendered roles and expectations. Anthropology & Aging Quarterly, 29(3), 76-88.
Donnelly, T. T., & McKellin, W. (2007). Keeping healthy! Whose responsibility is it anyway? Immigrant women and health care providers’ perspectives. Nursing Inquiry, 14(1), 2-12.
Donnelly, T. T. (2006). Living "in-between" – Vietnamese Canadian women's experiences: Implications for health care practice. Health Care for Women International, 27(8), 695-708.
Donnelly, T. T. (2006). The health-care practices of Vietnamese-Canadian women: Cultural influences on breast and cervical cancer screening. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 38(1), 82-101.
Donnelly, T. T. (2004). Vietnamese women living in Canada: Contextual factors affecting Vietnamese women’s breast cancer and cervical cancer screening practices. Doctoral Dissertation. The University of British Columbia, Canada: Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies.
Donnelly, T. T. (2002). Representing ‘Others’: Avoiding the reproduction of unequal social relations in research – A methodological Issue. Nurse Researcher: the International Journal of Research Methodology in Nursing and Health Care, 9 (3), 57-67.