Contextual Factors Influence Breast Feeding Practices in the State of Qatar (2010-2011) (completed)
Granting Agency: Qatar National Research Fund, Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP). $40,000.00 USD.
B.Nikaiin: Primary Faculty member; T.T. Donnelly: Faculty member
Project Summary
The low prevalence and short duration of breastfeeding in international studies have highlighted the need for more investigations into the problems. According to a 2009 Unicef report, between 2000-2007 in Qatar, only 12 % of babies under 6 months were exclusively breastfed, 42 % were breastfed with complementary food between the age of 6- 9 months and 12 % breastfed for 20-23 months. Due to insufficient published studies on the breastfeeding situation in the State of Qatar, the study specifically investigated factors influencing the breastfeeding decision among Arab women in the State of Qatar. The goal of this exploratory study was to find ways to effectively promote breastfeeding practices among Qatari women by investigating factors affecting the ways in which Qatari women (national and non-national Arabic women) make decisions to engage in breastfeeding practices and their knowledge of breastfeeding.
The aim of this research study was to (1) gain insight on how personal values, social, cultural, economical and professional support system influence Arab women’s breast feeding practices and their decisions to breastfeed, and (2) explore mothers’ knowledge of breastfeeding and how the women’s knowledge influences their breastfeeding intentions.
Nikaiin, B., Donnelly, T. T., Nazir, N., Dorri, R. A., Mohammad, A., & Petal, N. (2013). Contextual factors influencing breast feeding practices among Arabic women in the state of Qatar. Qualitative Sociology Review, 9 (3), 75 – 95.